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Cedarwood Personality Profile

Woodie-Cedrus atlantica

Character: Grounding, Strengthening, Dignified, Powerful

Use to counteract these negative attributes
Scattered thoughts, Thoughtlessness, Fixation on past, Anxiety, Obsessions, Mental strain, Irrationality, Emotional sensitivity, Touchiness, Gloomy thoughts, Worry, Fear, Too analytical, Paranoia, Selfishness.

Use for these positive attributes
Focus, Consciousness, Strength, Confidence, Balance, Stability, Comfort, Persistence, Fortitude, Nobility of spirit. 

The majestic statue of the Cedarwood personality is easy to spot - they seem to glide through life as if they had a royal charter! They may appear haughty and just too grand to be approached about anything mundane, but this would be entirely wrong. Cedarwoods are towers of strength in almost all situations, seeming in total harmony with the forces of nature, having an ancient air about them, as if they are the repositories of all the world's history. This isn't  necessarily the case, even if they make you feel it is. Cedarwoods instil confidence and security in people less able to cope with life's stresses and strains, and can be a great comfort in times of trouble. This ability puts them in the role of family adviser-the person you phone to ask how to deal with your tax return, or ask how you should approach a financial dispute.

You wouldn't ask them to advise you on your choice of friends , or new outfit  (or how to get something you don't really deserve) - for that, you'd turn to a Bergamot personality. Cedarwoods appear to be knowledgeable on almost everything and will become hurt if a member of the family turns elsewhere for advise. This rarely happens .you wouldn't dare! However, Cedarwoods are not infallible and are, indeed, frequently wrong because they can be quite dogmatic in their views.

The older ones are the worst because they may not even be aware that the world has changed over the last fifty years. If you have this personality for a father or grandfather it can be quite difficult, especially if he holds the family to emotional and financial ransom. This personality excels in the scholarly professions, such as teaching, librarianship, antiques, architecture and history. They're also inclined towards the sciences and conventional religion although they often have a curiosity about the paranormal too - from a purely scientific point of view, of course!

Unless the Cedarwood is partnered to a balancing type such as a Fruitie, they will dictate the complete running of the household, and all who are in it. Children may not see the loving side of this personality ( and may even believe them to be incapable of love), but if trouble strikes, the world had better watch out as Cedarwoods will defend their brood to the last. Although Cedarwood is essentially a masculine personality, it's often found in women. Cedarwoods can become extremely obsessive.

They must always have their right seat in their place of worship and their favourite chair at home -  and woe betide the visitor who inadvertently sits in the wrong place, who will suffer scowls. Cedarwoods always fold their newspapers in the same way and like the cupboards to be organized in a certain fashion. Although their mannerisms lead you to think they would only be at home in a palace, this isn't so, they're perfectly content in the humblest of places - even though these characters believe themselves to be truly magnificent.

Cedarwoods of either sex often become confirmed bachelors. It's not that they can't love deeply and affectionately, but it just seems like so much bother! This isn't a passionate personality  - not about sex anyway. Excitement is reserved for projects, particularly if archaeologists or historians, and Cedarwoods may sacrifice their lives trying to find the Holy Grail or uncover a particular document, but would never sacrifice themselves to love or abandon themselves to a carefree life.

When negative, Cedarwoods ca be hell on earth - demanding, arrogant, selfish, overly controlling and paranoid. They'll turn every little upset into an international plot against them and may retire to bed with a psychosomatic illness - terminal of course - refusing help from doctors and medicines, and any attempt to make them comfortable, and then say that nobody cares. Subconsciously they seek out partners who are very long suffering, but loyal. When they're positive, however, the Cedarwood personality is kind, dignified and very understanding. They ca make things seem very precious, even sacred, as they willingly impart their knowledge, often appearing honoured to be asked to do so.

Reference:The Fragrant Mind: Valerie Ann Worwood.


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