How To Use Essential Oils For The Fragrant Mind
When there weren't any supermarkets filled with foreign goods, the crops were all-important. If they failed, or the pests came, life became hell. People starved. And you might hear strange rumours about a strange army moving towards your area, on horses, carrying weapons, intent to pillage and rape.
You might spend half your life anxious about what might happen to your children - now and in the future. People have been under stress for as long as we can imagine and, in among the balms, unguents, ointments and salves of ancient times you can be sure there were pant essences being used specifically to ease the burdens of the mind.
Even Frankincense given to Jesus was (and is) a mind alterant - in fact, it uplifts the spirit and helps dispel earthly problems . By the time Dioscorides came along in AD 60, he could name 1,500 medicinal plants many of which were in aromatic oil form. This was the Materic Medica with which our ancestors grew up, and which we have developed to the point where we can see the rich diversity of help nature can provide, including that for the mind.
Over the years many different systems of medicine have developed. These are not necessarily in conflict, as a wise person somewhere once said - you can take many routes to get to the same place. In India, the traditional method of medicine is Ayurvedic, and in that the personality and the character of the patient is taken as part of the diagnostic procedure.
The type of person would (and still does) determine the particular plant prescribed. This diagnosis by character is today routine in homeopathy and herbalism, while personality, in all its forms is a routine subject of discussion for perfumers.
Personality and character, in relation to essential oils, is the subject of Part Three of these reference Notes.
Part two deals with all those things for which aromatherapy is best known - stress, tension and so on. They are included within the A-Z of emotional problems - which goes from abuse, addiction, aggression through to trauma, withdrawal and worthlessness. In between the downs there are ups - confidence, contentment and joy.
It is these potentials which have contributed so much to the growth of aromatherapy in recent years. Essential oils are positive additions to one's life, including one's mental life. And the great thing is, you don't have to be sick or even troubled to use them. They are there to enhance, to strengthen and to delight.
Reference: The Fragrant Mind: Valerie A. Worwood
- Home
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- History of Drugs-3
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- Personality In Perfumery
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- Personality Tests
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- History of Drugs-5
- Mind-Mood-Emotion-Quick Reference Chart - S - Un
- Emotional-Healing Problems-A-B-Positive and Negative Mood Charts
- Mind-Mood-Emotion-Quick Reference Chart - Un - W
- Emotional-Healing Problems-B-H-Positive and Negative Mood Charts
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